
Now you know what makes the difference

Dutch Education Days

10-11-17 Looking back at the Dutch Education days (dé Onderwijsdagen #owd17), november 7 and 8 2017 Rotterdam.  Rens van der Vorst en Roel Smabers  present the progress in the initiative.

Quantified Tour Manchester

8-11-17 Great quantified student performance in Manchester. The tour is on! Audience reacts on intimate questions (anal exam, anyone?)

Educause 2017 in Philladelphia

6-11-17 A succesfull presentation in Philadelphia. Made some new friends. We were especially impressed by Forecast, the Quantified Student Tool of Purdue.

The Quantified Student Tour

27-10-17 Quantified Student is going on tour: – November 3th – Philadelphia – November 7th – Manchester – November 8 th – Rotterdam

Quantified Student Conference 2018

24-10-17 Great News: We will hold our annual conference on january 11th at Fontys University. Already a great program. Already an exclusive event. More to be announced soon!

QS @ Educause 2017

7-10-17 Annual Educause Conference in Philadelphia US. Presentation by Rens van der Vorst, Roel Smabers and Bas Aalpoel

Projectplan Data Science Students

2-10-17 The projectplan of the Data Science Students (Dutch). Project_initiatie_document_DS71_a

Older news

25-9-17 Another article about Experience Sampling. Also in Dutch. 21-9-17 Article about Smarter Phones & Happier People. Does Experience Sampling help you get positive thoughts? (Dutch) 7-9-17 Two students from applied psychology are starting their final thesis on Quantified Student Projects. More information under programm 5. 1-9-17 Holiday is over. Here we go again. 72…
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